Signs Your Variable Frequency Drive Needs To Be Repaired

Dealing with changes in voltage requires regulation and special devices that keep an environment safe and functional, especially when these improve the performance of other machines. With technology advancing quickly, variable frequency drives keep improving, becoming smaller, achieving more, and delivering better results.
Maintenance is important for any machine or piece of equipment that’s used often and has many moving parts. It helps keep the machine from damage and downtime. These signs that your variable frequency drive needs repair will give you valuable information about what to pay special attention to.
Check the Sensors
Variable frequency drives have multiple sensors to distribute energy and control switches automatically, and if these fail, the machine will suffer damage. The sensors you must check to ensure functionality and performance are safe torque-off sensors, safety switches, and thermal sensors. If any of these are not operating properly, you must repair the frequency drive.
Combustion Damage
Usually, the smell of something burning outside the usual combustion will alert you and your staff that something is wrong with your machine. But in certain situations and depending on the size of the warehouse, the smell could dissipate and go unnoticed.
It is important to inspect your VFD to ensure there are no signs of physical damage like combustion black spots or burned wires. If you see something out of the ordinary, it is essential to shut down the system to prevent bigger problems, like a fire or a system breakdown.
Lines of Voltage
Your variable frequency drive works with different voltage lines, and the machine must constantly switch between them to maintain a good flow. Failing to do this could result in an imbalance in generation and demand, delivering inconsistent results. Your variable frequency drive needs repair to prevent excessive rotation from the torque and failed transmission.
Excessive Heat
Excessive heat is one of the most common signs of a failing machine and can occur due to rotation, movement, and friction. If you check your frequency drive often, especially the cooling fans, you’ll notice when something is malfunctioning. If a part malfunctions, it could lead to a burning motor that won’t allow your equipment to cool and expand, limiting the motor’s operating life.