Common Reasons Industrial Pumps Fail and How To Detect Them

Industrial pumps keep the wheels turning at your industrial facility. Without these tools, you wouldn’t be able to deliver products and services to your clients on time. That’s why industrial pump maintenance is so vital to the success of your operation. Here are the most common reasons industrial pumps fail and how to detect them.
Seal Leakage
Industrial pumps are no different from any other water-moving pipes—they require airtight seals to maintain pressure and keep liquids in their place. Whether your facility takes in tons of water or treats endless wastewater each day, you need industrial pumps that won’t fail.
That’s why you must regularly inspect your pumps and check the pump seals for leaks. Even the smallest beads of water making it through the pump are a bad sign—they signify a microscopic tear in the seal that could grow larger at any moment. Detecting seal leakage begins with simple monitoring and looking for misplaced fluids. These quality control checks should happen every day in case buildup breaks the seals over the course of 24 hours.
Improper Installation
Installation is the key to success when it comes to industrial pumps. If you install your pump the wrong way, you could encounter coupling failures or worse. Be sure to check your pumps for misalignment and watch for visible issues with pump connections.
Installation issues also occur on a larger scale when using the wrong pump for the wrong task. Industrial pumps have quite specific operating parameters and purposes—these tools aren’t one-size-fits-all. If you happened to install a pump that can’t handle the pressures you plan to use it for, you could be in for a world of trouble.
Impeller Wear
Inside most industrial pumps are impellers that transfer mechanical energy from the motor to the fluid, creating higher pressure and flow in the system. While impellers are incredibly useful parts, they endure a hefty amount of stress in their lifespan. Because these machines live on the inside of the pump, you must clear out and inspect the impeller from time to time. The last thing you want is a broken impeller that takes your processing out of commission for several days.
Remember these common reasons industrial pumps fail and how to detect them—this foresight just might save you from a devastating problem. If you do notice any problems with your pump, reach out to us at Illinois Electric Works for commercial pump repair services.